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Aug 31, 2021

Are you a clean freak or a bit messy? Are you too clean, loving order, or are you happy surrounded by “stuff”...and a bit of a hoarder? Brad & Bree break it down discussing the importance of understanding your own personal style, how it can change with age, and how it can affect your homelife.  BTW..did you know...

Aug 24, 2021

Are you bougie, earthy-crunchy, or horribly chic? In this week’s episode, Brad & Bree talk about their favorite destinations and how they like to vacation. Whether it’s international or domestic, alone or in groups, embracing the culture of the region is paramount to the authentic experience. So, what kind of...

Aug 18, 2021

It was the best of times and then it wasn’t. Life has its bumps, but the secret is in how long you stay down. Brad & Bree share some of their personal & professional struggles and how differently they overcame those obstacles. Can money buy you out of all hardships, or is that just a load of horse chips? Bet...

Aug 10, 2021

Mindset is your “home” in your head and a lot can affect how you keep it clean and focused. Is yours messy or neat as a pin? Do you set priorities, meditate or start your day with gratitude? Brad & Bree discuss the importance of self-care & how changing your thoughts & environment can be key to a healthy...

Aug 3, 2021

Happy Birthday Brad! We’re talking about growing up in a somewhat privileged home whether you lived in New York in the 70’s or Chicago in the 90's! Wealth…what does it mean to you?  Is it money, designer fashion, fancy cars, big house, travel or just a feeling of well-being that makes you happy? Sometimes its...